Alexis Roberts Keiner

Alexis Roberts Keiner

Patient Advocate

Alexis Roberts Keiner is a mother of three. Alexis is above average height. Alexis is a Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholar. Alexis is aware this may mean little to you. Alexis is an advocate for the bereaved. Alexis is a mentor to families after a child dies. Alexis is the one you call when you don't know what to say or what action to take. Alexis is from Alaska, born and raised. Alexis is active on social media. Alexis is not afraid to start over. Alexis is a freckled creature. Alexis knows what it is like to choose a casket for a child. Alexis knows life in bereavement. Alexis knows how to dance, but doesn't typically. Alexis knows she is an artist. Alexis has two daughters (alive). Alexis has one son (dead). Alexis is an artist. Alexis has been told if she was a man making the same artwork, she would have gotten funding. Alexis has a practice of Openness in Grief. Alexis has a bronze cast of her dead son's hand. Alexis has caught salmon with her own hands. Alexis has Grit and Grace. Alexis draws everyday. Alexis wears little to no makeup. Alexis tends to smile more than most people. Alexis might smile less than she used to. Alexis loves Arctic light, but Alexis is allergic to the cold. Alexis is worth meeting. Alexis lives and works in Los Angeles. Alexis is an artist.
